Self-employment & Founding
From basic knowledge about self-employment to developing a business model, here you'll find our events on the topic of self-employment & founding
Creative & Self-employed
In our event series Creative & Self-employed we’ll provide you with insights into topics which are relevant for your self-employment. We base our selection on the current needs of cultural and creative professionals. Following topics as part of this series are offered:
From various types of taxes, the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) to initial tax registration and health insurance obligations for self-employed individuals: In this seminar, we’ll provide you with the basics of self-employment.
This online seminar takes place four times a year and in German.
Next events:
- Wed, June 04, 2025 | 10:00 - 12:30 h
- Wed, September 03, 2025 | 10:00 - 12:30 h
- Wed, November 05, 2025 | 10:00 - 12:30 h
In this seminar you’ll learn how you can (and have to) calculate your own prices in order to make a sustainable living from your creative work. First, we need to take a step back and ask ourselves: How do I get an overview of my costs? What does it actually take to build a financially successful and economically stable self-employed business? And which hourly rate can, may or must I even charge? After the seminar, you can exchange ideas with industry experts about the specific pricing policies of your sector.
This online seminar takes place two times a year in German.
Get started! First steps in self-employment
Step into the world of self-employment in Germany's dynamic arts and creative sectors with our series of online and offline events in cooperation with touring artists. From taxes to health insurance and pension basics: We offer valuable insights for your start into self-employment in the arts or creative industries. In addition, our expert speaker offer tips, good practice examples and connect you with other artists and creative professionals in Berlin. The events take place from 11th July - 21st August 2024 in English.
Does a German university degree offer better career or networking perspectives? This event explores how studying can help kickstart a freelancing career in Germany, but also looks at alternatives to an academic path. Engage with cultural and creative professionals in a panel talk, get the opportunity to network and get together in an open dialogue.
What are the first steps to register as self-employed? How do you get a tax number? What different freelancing types exist in Germany? With this online seminar we offer an initial overview of the first steps to take as a self-employed person in Germany. We will introduce the core differences between freelancing and regular employment and the different types of freelancing.
Are you struggling to write an invoice or a quote? Unsure about how to write invoices abroad? Or have you been wondering what the income tax, value-added tax (VAT) and so called “small businessperson regulation” (Kleinunternehmer-Regelung) is? Look no further! This online seminar offers information and guidance about taxes and invoicing in Germany.
For many freelancers, working with clients outside of Germany means dealing with special regulations for invoicing across borders. In this seminar, we'll look at the basics of invoicing for services and selling goods across borders, both to clients in and outside the EU. We’ll focus on the basics of cross-border value-added tax (VAT) regulations, including the reverse charge procedure for invoices to business clients. You'll also learn about the basics of withholding tax for specific services (i.e. performances) and licensing fees for projects outside of Germany. This workshop covers transactions from Germany to other countries as well.
What is the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) and how does it work? How do I join the KSK and what do I need to know when applying? Once I'm a member, what are the important things to keep in mind? Felix Sodemann from touring artists will introduce the KSK and answer some basic questions. Afterwards, our experts Andri Jürgensen and Kathleen Parker are available to answer any additional and your individual questions during a Q&A session.
What are the different categories of the German health insurance system? What to look out for? What other insurance types are there in Germany?
In this online seminar you’ll get an overview of the different options for health insurances. Furthermore, our speaker offers information on pension and unemployment insurance. In addition, you’ll receive a first overview of the framework conditions of the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK), which ensures that self-employed artists and creatives get a similar protection in the social insurance system as employees.
Get to know Berlin-based professional associations and organizations that support international artists and creative professionals. Connect with representatives at this networking event. You can also explore opportunities to become a member, access consultation services or expand your own network. There will also be a live panel discussion on improving the representation of international artists in Berlin's cultural scene. You’re invited to participate – don’t miss out on valuable insights and connections!
Creative Business Creation – from the idea to the business model
In the daily grind of artistic and creative work, there is often a lack of awareness of the economic added value that this work generates. In this workshop, we will show you which of your ideas are suitable for an entrepreneurial business model and how you can earn money with them. How do you define and reach your target audience? How do you manage to make money with creative work? And how do you merge your values with the pressure of financing yourself? After participating in the workshop, we’ll offer a reflection day. You have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other participants, the workshop facilitators, and us about your results, reflect on the set goals, and define further steps for the future.
The workshop and the subsequent reflection day take place once a year in German as an on-site event.